Executive Champions Workshop | ECW 2025

At a glance

Reconnecting to Place and Re-shaping our Future — Join us for ECW 2025 in the peaceful Green Mountains of Vermont, a gathering that blends the beauty of natural surroundings with the power of groundbreaking leadership practices. From August 19-22, 2025, engage in a series of enriching sessions that foster deep connections with both the land and like-minded peers. This experience is designed for visionary change-makers—from executives professionals to grassroots innovators—who seek to explore profound ecological relationships and redefine the future of leadership. By engaging with indigenous wisdom, advanced systems thinking, and the transformative art of Social Presencing Theater, participants leave with profound insights,  to a renewed purpose and an expanded sense of community. If you seek to lead with authenticity and innovate beyond traditional boundaries, ECW is your gateway to a pivotal journey.

Aug 19 – 22, 2025


Essential Information

Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, Vermont, USA 
Dates: August 19-22, 2025
Language: English

Participation: ECW 2025 embraces a community-oriented application process. We invite you to share your journey and aspirations in your application, helping us foster a diverse and dynamic group of visionary change-makers. This approach ensures a profound and enriching experience for all attendees, aligning leaders from various sectors who are deeply committed to impactful change.

Begin Your Application: Access the application form here. We look forward to learning about your vision and potential contributions to ECW 2025.


Feel free to reach out with any questions: Patricia Bohl ecw@presencing.org.
Explore complete details below.

ECW 2025

Many ancient views of leadership, including most indigenous traditions, consider deep connection with land as the source of vision and leadership beyond ego. The ECW provides a unique space for leaders and change-makers from diverse sectors to come together, connect to a powerful place and engage in deep reflection and conversation. Together, we will explore and address several key challenges facing the world today, including:

  • Fostering mindfulness, compassion, and human development as mainstream priorities.
  • Re-orienting businesses and educational systems towards balance and interconnectedness, moving away from relentless growth and exploitation.
  • Shifting mainstream views of leadership from driving change to creating more generative spaces that foster relationality, collaboration, and shared vision.

The ECW focuses on "Reconnecting to Place and Re-shaping our Future," emphasizing the importance of connecting with Mother Earth as a way to awaken awareness of interconnectedness among humans and all life. Part retreat and part capacity-building workshop, it explores these themes through various practices such as systems thinking, organizational learning, Theory U, Social Presencing Theatre, and indigenous wisdom and ceremony.

What happens at the ECW

The program is organized around different practices in our common work on awareness-based systems change: systems thinking and organizational learning, Theory U, Social Presencing Theatre, and indigenous methods of holding sacred space. Over the years, the potent combination of these tools and practices in concert with the energy of this special place have shaped spaces for deep conversations amongst peers around questions that have heart and meaning.

The ECW offers a highly interactive program that builds on a variety of tools, concepts and processes (and even a few short presentations) such as:  

  • Starting off “in a good way”: Ceremonial ways of arriving, grounding, and connecting with one another and the social-ecological field
  • Personal and collective contemplative practices
  • Social Presencing Theatre to connect us more intimately with the three fields within which we always operate: the individual mind-heart body, the “social body,” and the larger “earth body”  
  • “World Cafes” that hold and weave small group conversations
  • “Case clinics” to cultivate collective creativity around tangible leadership challenges 
  • Diving into ideas and concepts of thought leadership

Through it all, we will explore how we  

  • sense and cultivate a more generative social field,
  • appreciate and practice the basics of what it means to think and act systemically, and
  • understand together the deeper dynamics of social evolution unfolding all around us and how they are shaping the stresses and possibilities for institutions today.

Our guiding principle is that the necessary changes in the world occur at various levels, spanning from the individual and team levels to the organizational, cross-organizational, community, civil society, and industry levels.


The ECW will be facilitated by a diverse team of four facilitators who each bring an individual perspective and experience: 

  • Melanie Goodchild, Anishinaabe, the Presencing Institute & the Wolf Willow Institute for Systems Learning
  • Arawana Hayashi, the Presencing Institute and The Art of a True Move
  • Otto Scharmer, MIT Sloan School of Management & the Presencing Institute
  • Peter Senge, MIT Sloan School of Management & The Center for Systems Awareness

Who should attend this program?

The ECW welcomes a wide range of participants, including individuals in leadership roles and grassroots leaders who are actively shaping their communities. Our program attracts professionals from various sectors, including business, education, governance, and community development. We prioritize individuals whose work aligns with our core priorities as conveners, which encompass areas such as regenerative agriculture, equity, education for human flourishing, racial justice, and transformational philanthropy.

Our goal is to bring together a diverse group of participants, spanning a wide range of ages and backgrounds. From high-level executives within influential organizations to grassroots leaders leading change initiatives at the community level, we aim to create an inclusive and vibrant learning environment that fosters collaboration and shared insights.

We seek individuals who are deeply committed to reshaping society towards genuine social and ecological well-being, cultivating mindfulness and compassion, and transforming institutions to become hubs of local and global interconnectedness. Our participants represent diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences with a shared passion for transformative change.

The ECW is more of a retreat than a traditional training, benefiting from participants' basic familiarity with tools of awareness-based systems change. The quality of the program hinges on the quality of participants' engagement, as much of the learning emerges collaboratively. Online options are available before the summer session for those without prior experience:

Go to Intro to Theory U  u-school Open Programs


1. How do I apply for the Executive Champions Workshop (ECW)?

To apply for the ECW, please complete the application form. After submitting your application, you will receive an email confirming that we have received your application and are reviewing it.

2. When will I know if I am selected to participate in the ECW?

After applying, please stay tuned for further updates regarding your application status. We review applications thoroughly, and you will be notified as soon as a decision is made.

3. What should I do after receiving confirmation of participation?

Once your participation is confirmed, you will receive instructions for processing your payment through a secure payment gateway. The fee is due within 30 days of receiving your participation confirmation.

4. When will I receive a receipt for my payment?

After completing your payment, a receipt will automatically be sent to your email address provided during registration.

5. Can I apply for a scholarship for the ECW?

We warmly invite participants who require financial support to apply for a scholarship. Applications for scholarships can be submitted through our website, and we are committed to making the ECW accessible to as many participants as possible. Scholarship decisions will be communicated by the beginning of April, and we encourage you to apply if this support would enable your participation.

6. Should I book my travel and accommodation immediately after applying?

We advise waiting until your participation is confirmed or your scholarship status is communicated before making any travel arrangements and room reservations. This ensures that you have all necessary confirmations before incurring travel expenses.


The ECW is designed as a full three-day retreat. We start with registration at 3pm, followed by a first session at 4pm on August 19th and end with lunch on August 22nd, 2025. 

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided for all three days, beginning with registration and a welcome coffee on Tuesday, August 19. Additionally, there is an optional box lunch scheduled from 2-3 p.m. on Friday, August 22. We kindly request that you schedule your travel arrangements to accommodate this. 

Please note that it is a requirement for participation that you commit to attending the entire workshop.

How to Apply for the ECW

To apply for the ECW from August 19-22, 2025, in Stowe, Vermont, USA, please complete our detailed registration form available here. We encourage potential participants to provide a thorough description of their professional background and articulate how attending the ECW will add value to their work and personal growth. The form is structured to capture essential information across several pages, allowing you to reflect on and articulate your goals and expectations from the workshop comprehensively. For more details on the application process, including tuition rates, accommodations, and cancellation policies, please refer to our FAQs section. This holistic approach ensures that all applicants are well-informed and fully prepared for a transformative experience at the ECW.

Pricing Details

Pricing includes tuition and all meals (breakfast, lunch, breaks, and formal dinner) for three days. The meal package cost of $705 is mandatory and included in the following totals:

Early Bird Rate (ends Feb 14, 2025)

  • Corporate/Professional: $4720 (Includes $4015 workshop tuition + $705 meal package)
  • Nonprofit, Academic, or Government Institution: $3950 (Includes $3245 workshop tuition + $705 meal package)
  • Public School Educators: $3175 (Includes $2470 workshop tuition + $705 meal package)

Regular Rate (starts Feb 15, 2025)

  • Corporate/Professional: $5030 (Includes $4325 workshop tuition + $705 meal package)
  • Nonprofit, Academic, or Government Institution: $4205 (Includes $3500 workshop tuition + $705 meal package)
  • Public School Educators: $3395 (Includes $2680 workshop tuition + $705 meal package)

Group Rates: Receive a 10% discount on tuition for groups of three or more participants. Each group member must complete the application form individually. To qualify for the discount, ensure you include the names of all group members in the field labeled “Please List the Names of Your Fellow Group Members Here.”

Scholarship Opportunities: We offer a limited number of scholarships at a special rate of $2205, which includes $1500 for workshop tuition and $705 for the meal package. These scholarships are designed for individuals who have a significant potential to impact their communities but require financial support to attend. If you believe you qualify, please provide a detailed explanation in your application. Our goal is to make the ECW accessible to everyone, especially those actively making a difference at the grassroots level.

Selecting Your Tier: We trust our participants to choose the pricing tier that best reflects their financial capacity and the value they place on this unique experience. By selecting honestly, you support the sustainability of ECW and ensure that diverse voices are included, particularly those from less-represented sectors who can benefit from our scholarship program.

Apply here

Getting There

The workshop will be held at the Trapp Family Lodge, 700 Trapp Hill Road, Stowe, VT 05672, Phone: +1-802-253-8511, e-mail: reservations@trappfamily.com. Find the location on Google Maps

Staying at Trapp Family Lodge

If you are staying at the Trapp Family Lodge, please make your own room reservations. The special room rate for the participants is $973.50. This rate includes 3-nights lodging and tax. Rates are based on single or double occupancy. Additional adults are $25 per adult, per night added onto the rate. As this is the main tourist season, it is very likely that the rooms at the Lodge will sell out quickly. Please call the Trapp Family Lodge as soon as possible after you’ve been admitted to ECW at 1-800-826-7000 ext. 1 (toll free), at +1-802-253-8511, or email reservations@trappfamily.com. Be sure to reference the "Executive Champions Workshop" when making your room reservation to get the special ECW rate. The cutoff date for the room block at this special rate is July 17, 2025.

The Trapp Family Lodge's check-in time is at 4:00 p.m., and check-out time is at 11:00 a.m. If you require an earlier check-in, Trapp Family Lodge does its best to accommodate. Additionally, the concierge can hold your luggage both before check-in and after check-out if needed. If you won't be staying at the Trapp Family Lodge, kindly inform us by emailing ecw@presencing.org.

Contact Us

If you have any immediate questions or require assistance at any stage of the application process, please do not hesitate to contact us at ecw@presencing.org.










Credit: Trapp Family Lodge | https://www.trappfamily.com/

Presencing Institute is the holding entity that maintains the governance, management and administration of u-school and other initiatives supporting awareness-based systems change.
Presencing Institute Inc
1770 Massachusetts Ave. #221
Cambridge, MA 02140 - USA

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