Ecosystem Leadership Program Asia Pacific 2025 | Module 1

Ecosystem Foundations




At a Glance

Ecosystem Leadership Program Module 1 is an intensive in-person and on-island program in Bali, Indonesia, for change makers and innovators across sectors and across the Asia Pacific. We will be coming together to co-cultivate the kind of systems practices appropriate for our time and our specific places, activating the deepest sources of knowledge, inspiration and action for awareness-based systems change. (This module leads to and connects with ELP AP Module 2.)

The program is also part of the certification process of the Presencing Institute.

Jun 23 – 25, 2025


Modules: Module 1 will be held back-to-back with Module 2 in 2025. Module 3 will take place in 2026. Completion of Modules 1 and 2 will be required to attend Module 3. We do not know when we will be holding further modules after 2026, so you are encouraged to attend both Modules 1 & 2 in 2025. (Click here to learn more about and register for Module 2.)

Hosts: Presencing Institute (PI), United in Diversity (UID), The Rizal Academy for Innovation and Leadership (TRAIL). 

Location: Kura Kura (Serangan) Island, Bali, Indonesia.

Times: Start 12:30pm Jun 23, end 4:00pm June 25, 2025. (There will also be an online session component in May.)

Who: For those living and/or working in, or deeply connected to the Asia Pacific region.

Language: We will work with what is currently the most common shared language across the region: English. But we will attempt, where possible, to also work creatively with all languages across the Asia Pacific.
Costs (including Module 1 program, materials, and venue meals): Our intention is to make the course as accessible as possible to everyone, while at the same time allowing the team and the organisations to cover costs in order for the program to continue and develop. The price categories are based on the principle of solidarity pricing. We distinguish between participants who pay for the course privately (individual ticket) and participants for whom a company/organisation (organisation ticket) pays the course fee. You then choose the price category that reflects your (or your organisation's) financial capacity. Currently the program requires significant volunteer efforts plus financial co-investments to make it possible. Please choose the price option that suits your situation with consideration for the whole. Prices vary from USD $1500 - $3000. (In case the course fee is still an issue, please apply for further scholarship consideration here.)

Ecosystem Leadership Program Asia Pacific

Module 1: Ecosystem Foundations

The ELP Asia Pacific is a regional enabling infrastructure—or fireplace—to help activate personal and collective awareness-based transformation and impact in the Asia Pacific, in which we will:

  • Develop and build on powerful concepts, tools and skills for systems change
  • Interweave in a rich, diverse and inclusive networking space as part of an impactful and growing movement across the Asia Pacific which fosters and supports an ecosystem of practice
  • Connect more deeply with our own specific places and contexts of work, both social and natural, as well as see and sense the work that others are doing in the region
  • Experience a profound transformational journey, connecting to our own individual highest future potential as an impactful leader and changemaker in order to lead our countries and region to their highest possible contributions to the world in our time
  • Move from ‘piecemeal’ responses to our current local, regional and global situations, to inspired and collective ‘peace-full’ action.

The program is structured as a two-year cycle of three modules that can be taken independently or as part of the whole ELP cycle, which is aligned with the pathways of certification of the u-school for Transformation. (Certification is dependant on participation in the entire event.)

This is the first step of an ecosystem and movement-building journey of action-learning and research in which we will co-create the foundations for a better Asia Pacific for the world, grounded in our specific places, through a new kind of university—a university of the future, here and now—the u-school for Transformation.

Join us at this collective and collaborative fireplace on one of our global ‘islands of coherence’—Kura Kura Island in Bali, Indonesia—as we take this next step together.

Program Cycle

Overview of Module 1

This module, Ecosystem Foundations, aims to further develop existing leadership and changemaker capacities at a personal level, allowing us to continually “transform ourselves in order to transform our realities”, cultivating the inner condition and action confidence needed for awareness-based systems change. 

The program will help us individually connect to our own highest future potential as impactful leaders and changemakers, in order to lead our separate countries and our common region to their highest possible contributions to the world as a whole. The module will also foster a rich networking among leaders and change agents from across sectors, areas of work, contexts, professional levels, nations and cultures, collaboratively creating impact as an ecosystem of practice towards a healthier Asia Pacific and a healthier world. 

It will provide an inclusive, participatory, movement-building journey that integrates the knowledge of head, heart and hands through direct observation, reflection and action. It will help us move beyond ‘piecemeal’ responses to the challenges of our time, to collaborative, creative and inspired ‘peace-full’ action. It is the first stage of an ecosystem journey for all those innovating in systems, caring for communities and nature, and tending creative fireplaces of deep systemic change across the region.

We are therefore committed, where possible, to making the program accessible for anyone from the Asia Pacific who would like to attend: We have a variety of scholarships available, including a special track with scholarships for those working on landscape restoration in the Asia Pacific (generously provided by the holistic landscape regeneration organisation Commonland). Come and sit with us around this common, regional fire as we begin this transformational ecosystem journey together in order to take the whole of our region–and the world–forward.

This Module 1 can be taken independently or as part of the whole ELP Cycle. For the full ELP AP experience, we recomment taking the entire three modules.

What This Module Will Provide

  • A place to bring our existing skills and capacities, as well as our current and emerging ecosystem challenges from our places
  • A space to further explore cutting-edge perspectives to understand and transform systems
  • Ongoing development of the leadership and changemaker capacities necessary to help navigate complexity and "learn from the emerging future" by activating our highest individual potentials in relation to the highest potential of the world around us
  • Continue practicing innovative tools, processes and awareness-based methodologies to put ideas into action, achieving profound impact for ourselves, our places and areas of work
  • A two-and-a-half-day immersion in a beautiful, ecologically-focused venue surrounded by nature
  • Social learning and peer exchange with fellow ecosystem leaders from across sectors and the region sitting around our collective fire
  • The next step on a profound and collective ecosystem activation and regeneration journey for ourselves, our places, our landscapes, our communities, our region and our world
  • Tangible integration into a continuous action-learning infrastructure with regional and global fireplaces and networks of practitioners: u-school for Transformation. 



Plus a dedicated social arts team, transformative research team, and supporting faculty.


  • Dates: June 23-25, 2025
  • Times: 12:30pm Jun 23 - 4:00pm Jun 25 (subject to minor changes)
  • Online: Online component session May 2025.
  • Who: For those living and/or working in, or deeply connected to, the Asia Pacific region
  • Location: Kura Kura (Serangan) Island, Bali, Indonesia
  • Venue: The iconic 'Three Mountains'
  • Languages: We will work with what is currently the most common shared language in the Asia Pacific: English. We will also attempt wherever possible to work creatively with all languages across the region.
  • Modules: Module 1 will be held back-to-back with Module 2 in 2025. Module 3 will take place in 2026. Completion of Modules 1 and 2 will be required to attend Module 3. We do not know when we will be holding further modules after 2026, so you are encouraged to attend both Modules 1 & 2 in 2025. (Click here to learn more about and register for Module 2.)


Our intention is to make the course as accessible as possible to everyone, while at the same time allowing the team and the host organisations to cover costs in order for the ELP AP to continue and develop. Currently the program requires significant volunteer efforts plus financial co-investments to make it possible. Please choose the price option that suits your situation with consideration for the whole.

The price categories are based on the principle of solidarity pricing. We distinguish between participants who pay for the course privately (individual ticket) and participants for whom a company or organisation (organisation ticket) pays the course fee. You choose the price category that suits you and reflects your financial capacity. As a first step, when you register, we ask you to make a conscious decision about your expenses and investments during the course. Please choose the price option that suits your situation with consideration for the whole. Prices vary from USD $1500 - $3000.

In case the course fee is still an issue, please apply for further scholarship consideration here

Cost includes:

  • Module 1 program, materials, all lunches and coffee-breaks at the venue (dinners TBC)

Click "Register" to complete your application.


Transportation is self-organised.
Participants will need to organise their own travel to and from Bali, as well as travel to and from the venue each day. Grab and Gojek are the ride-sharing apps used in Bali, and it is best to set these up before arrival. 

We recommend booking flights straight after you register because Bali can be busy in June.


Accommodation is self-organised.
There are a number of hotel options in Bali. The event organisers will be staying in Sanur (at the hotel Maison Aurelia) for proximity to the venue.

We recommend booking accommodation in Sanur, and doing so straight after you register because Bali can be busy in June.

Cancellation Policy

  • By canceling before Apr 8, 2025, 80% of tuition is refunded. 
  • From Apr 8, 2025 until May 8, 2025, 50% of the tuition will be refunded.
  • From May 8, 2025 until May 23, 2025, 25% of the tuition will be refunded. 
  • As of and after May 23, 2025, no refunds will be possible.

The program will be facilitated by a team of senior faculty from the Presencing Institute, United in Diversity and The Rizal Academy for Innovation and Leadership. In the event that any of the faculty cannot be present due to unforeseen circumstances, the program will be held without any modification in the conditions of participation.

ELP Module 1 Prelude

Animated scribing video by Jayce Pei Yu Lee

Module 1 2024 Video


Presencing Institute is the holding entity that maintains the governance, management and administration of u-school and other initiatives supporting awareness-based systems change.
Presencing Institute Inc
1770 Massachusetts Ave. #221
Cambridge, MA 02140 - USA

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